Bonnie Westlin
Candidate for MN Senate District 42
Plymouth, Maple Grove, Medicine Lake


Hi, I’m Bonnie Westlin
I’m running for the Minnesota State Senate because we deserve a senator who listens to us, who understands our values and concerns, and who will advocate for us in the legislature.
Too many of our elected officials obstruct any attempt at passing meaningful policy. I’ve spent time meeting folks throughout our district to talk about the issues that are most important to them. I share many of my neighbors’ concerns, and I am ready to help lead Minnesota through the complex challenges we currently face.
Let’s work together to improve the lives of all Minnesotans!
I’ll work to make health care accessible and affordable for all Minnesotans.
I'll work for racial justice and meaningful police reform.
I’ll work to fully fund and strengthen Minnesota’s pre-K through 12 public education system.
I’ll work to enact common-sense legislation to reduce gun deaths in Minnesota.
Where I Stand…
Our common values bind us together as a community and should always serve as our guide for making our state work better for all of us, no matter what we look like, where we come from or what our economic status is. It’s time to reject the politics of division. Now more than ever, we need leaders who bring us together, not tear us apart
The current COVID-19 pandemic has shown the deep, structural problems with our current healthcare system. We need to ensure that all Minnesotans have access to high quality, affordable healthcare, in good times and in bad. We also need to ensure that providers are able to respond swiftly to any healthcare crisis that arises, and that those working on the front lines have everything they need to protect themselves and their patients.
It’s time that we fully fund our public education system, including ensuring that our schools have the vital support services they need, such as counselors and social workers, to help students be successful. I will work with teachers, administrators, parents and students to eliminate the opportunity gap, and ensure that Minnesota continues to have one of the most highly educated workforces in the nation.
Public Safety
Minnesota has failed to pass common sense gun violence prevention measures. Expanded background checks and Red Flag laws have broad public support and have been shown to reduce gun deaths. I strongly support these measures, and will work to pass these bills in my first year in office.
Racial & Social Justice
I am fully committed to addressing racial and social justice issues in Minnesota and dismantling the systemic, structural racism that permeates every institution and corner of our society. We do not need more empty community conversations that do not result in concrete action.
I’m asking for your vote. And I’d love your help!
Ready to roll up your sleeves? Below are a few ways you can contribute and volunteer.
Host a precinct party
Walk in a Parade
Host District Doorknocks
Help make Phone Calls
Make an Endorsement
Put up Lawn Signs
Walk in Parades
I’m asking for your vote. And I’d love your help!
Ready to roll up you sleeves? Below are a few ways you can contribute and volunteer.